

Arianna Pardini

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In a world where life moves faster than a swipe of the finger, it’s hard to fathom managing more than one successful platform. As a group of self-proclaimed 90s kids, trying to navigate the treacherous waters of this digital realm comes with ebbs and flows of success, failure, and mental breakdowns 😅 We get it, […]

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the result

In a world where life moves faster than a swipe of the finger, it’s hard to fathom managing more than one successful platform. As a group of self-proclaimed 90s kids, trying to navigate the treacherous waters of this digital realm comes with ebbs and flows of success, failure, and mental breakdowns 😅

We get it, existing on TikTok matters…

As content creators, we understand the power of existing on multiple platforms, sharing our work, and networking with other creatives. For most of us millennial creators, we’ve been navigating and dominating the Instagram space… But what happens when that same millennial creator makes the jump to TikTok and realizes that the “candidly uncandid” and curated aesthetic has to make the drastic jump to raw, unedited, and quite literally unhinged content?

So, let’s delve into today’s article on how we figured out as millennial creators, how to exist on TikTok. Here is how we started to understand our niche and audience, as well as finding a happy medium to creating TikToks. As of now, we are happily existing on this gen z dominated platform and here is how…

TikTok’s allure is undeniable, but for millennials, it can be a rollercoaster, ride of confusion and challenges. From the breakneck speed of trends to the pressure to create original content, and the fear of embarrassment, navigating this digital universe is no easy feat.  

It’s time to figure out what content you resonate with

Knowing what content was thriving on TikTok, our first step was to sit down as individuals and as a team to map out the content we felt comfortable and excited to make, versus the content none of us were interested in subjecting ourselves to making – kel doesn’t dance –

It sounds silly, I know, but we knew that the inauthenticity of feeling embarrassed for not being aligned with the content we’re creating would show more, and was never going to be worth the views or potential hate from online trolls… 

So trust me when I say that mapping out your ultimatums makes for a more clear vision and goal to reach, and allows you to feel more confident going into filming. 

*(this doesn’t mean it you can never lip-synch on camera – revise and edit those ultimatums 3 to 6 months in to your original plan, and have a better grasp of yourself and audience) 

Finding a clear vision

With a sense of boundaries and a clear vision, it was time to start brainstorming our first 10 to 20 TikToks. To some it may sound impossible, others it may seem like a lot of unnecessary work, but by doing this we were able to not only form a posting schedule and begin to understand our algorithm but we were able to see what content did and didn’t work. Work smarter not harder ya know?????

Keep in mind, we are a creative agency, and finding the balance between cultivating a community and selling services can be tricky – so there was a lot of trial and error when it came to brainstorming content. We also quickly learned that regurgitating our Instagram reels onto TikTok wasn’t going to be what saved us, or gave us the overnight sensation. 

So what did we do? What I’m about to tell you isn’t a secret, nor is it the trick to becoming an overnight success, it’s just some old 31-year-old wisdom for ya…. 

Create what you know.

Be honest. Be kind and stand behind what you love – So cheesy, barf, but it’s true! We started asking ourselves. “what do we want to see on TikTok” or “How do we explain the tips and tricks that we unnecessarily typed up into a 900-word article?” For example: 900 words on how to get the low exposure vibe or a 6-second video teaching you? simple. 

Now were no experts and were still figuring things but if we can do it you can! Remember, TikTok is ultimately a place for self-expression and entertainment. Embracing the platform with a lighthearted and open-minded approach can help you overcome the hurdles and find your own unique space in the TikTok community.

Follow us on TikTok and let us know what content you wanna see and if you need help with content creation, book us today!

With, Soigne’

Stills [coming soon]






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